Journey to the Center of the Earth is a two-dimensional platform game where you control a small explorer who is trying to dig up lost relics and reach the center of the Earth.
Your hero can only perform two actions: jump and throw bombs. So you need to figure out how to use these two actions to solve all of the puzzles in the game, and find all of the hidden treasure along the way. You can't die, so you don't have to worry about that danger, since the only bad thing that can happen is that you lose a few seconds unconscious on the ground.
However, those lost seconds can be a big problem for players trying to beat Journey to the Center of the Earth in the fastest time possible. The game displays a timer at all times, so you can keep track of your best attempts.
Journey to the Center of the Earth is a fun two-dimensional platform game with charming graphics. Even though it's a short game (you can finish a round in less than five minutes), you'll undoubtedly play for much longer.
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